Are you looking for a way to lower expenses this year? Trying to balance your budget? There are some ways that you might be able to lower your car insurance. Here are a few tips:
Raise Your Deductible – Your deductible is the amount of money you are required to pay on a claim before your insurance covers the balance. You can easily lower your car insurance premiums by increasing your deductible because the insurance company won’t pay as much if you get into an accident. Remember, this means you will pay more at the time of an accident.
Pay Your Premiums Up Front – The longer you stretch out your payments on your premium installments, the more you pay in fees. Lower your car insurance premiums by paying for your premiums six months in advance.
Ask About Discounts – There are multiple discounts that you may be eligible for. Good driver discounts and multiple policy discounts can reduce your auto premiums significantly. Ask your agent if you qualify for any of these or other possible discounts.
Eliminate Unnecessary Coverage – Carefully review your policy and get rid of policy add-ons you no longer need. If your car has greatly depreciated in value you may want to consider removing your collision insurance since it would probably cost more to fix it than it is worth. Many people with older vehicles pay only for liability coverage.
Examine Your Car Habits – Explore other possible discounts with your insurance agent. You may qualify for lower rates based on how you drive or care for your car. You may qualify for low-mileage discounts or reduced rates because you store your car in a garage.
If you have questions about your current car insurance policy, call Insurance Doctor. We will evaluate your current policy and look for ways to save you money while providing you with the automobile coverage you need.