As you have probably discovered, insuring a teenage driver can be very expensive. Drivers under the age of 25 pose the greatest risk to insurers. Insurance companies try to limit their exposure by charging higher insurance rates for 16- to 24-year-olds than for any other age group.
The least expensive option would probably be to add your teenager to your existing auto insurance policy once he gets his learner’s permit. Although this can still be an expensive prospect, your teen might be able to take advantage of certain discounts as a driver on your policy (e.g., safe-driver and multiple-car discounts for which you are eligible).
We can help you determine your most cost-effective option. If you’re thinking about purchasing a used car for your teen, be prepared to tell us the make, model, VIN#, and year of the cars you’re considering. This way, we can give you accurate insurance quotes and help you decide whether to purchase separate insurance for your son or add him to your policy. Sometimes these quotes can even help you decide which car to purchase.