With the price of fuel going up day by day, every little thing that you can do to improve your gas mileage will help. At Insurance Doctor we have some good ideas on how you can get a little better gas mileage on your car.
Keep your engine tuned up. A well tuned motor gets better gas mileage.
Keep your tires properly inflated. Under inflated tires cause more resistance to the road and impact your gas mileage.
Change the oil in your car regularly. Also use a good quality engine oil that has a friction reducing oil additive.
Take out items that you are storing in your trunk or in your car. Reducing the weight in your vehicle will improve your gas mileage.
Use the cruise control on your vehicle whenever you can.
Don’t speed. The faster you go, the less mileage you get on your vehicle.
Keep your windows closed if at all possible. Leaving your windows down reduces your gas mileage when compared to running the air conditioning.
Avoid stop and go traffic by taking another route or try to travel during less congested times.
Remove accessories from your car that you are not using such as the luggage rack or ski rack. These items lower the aerodynamics of your vehicle.