Do you ever shop around for car insurance? Do you interview potential agents to make sure you are getting the best car insurance policy for the best value? No matter what your driving record is, you should take the time to interview several car insurance agents before making a final decision.
Here are six important questions that you should ask a car insurance agent before buying insurance:
1. What discounts do you offer? Ask about safe driver discounts, good student discounts and multiple car discounts. How does one qualify?
2. What factors will impact my premium? Understand the different factors that can effect your premium before you buy car insurance.
3. How convenient is it to report a claim? Find an agent that has 24/7 claim reporting. Your insurance agent should be available when you need them, not matter what time of day or night.
4. Are there convenient payment options? Your agent should offer different payment options that are convenient to you.
5. Do you have an office? It’s nice to be able to speak with your insurance agent face-to-face if you want to. If your agent is only available on-line or on the phone, you may be sacrificing some service benefits.
6. Do you insure property other than cars? It is more convenient for one agency to hold all of your policies and there maybe discounts available to you if your agents insures your car and your home.
Purchasing car insurance is a huge decision and you should take the time to ask each potential agent these important questions. Look for a company that has a good reputation and has longevity in the industry. Contact Insurance Doctor if you are looking for car insurance. We can talk to you on the phone or come into one of our convenient locations.