Have you ever wondered who is actually covered under you car insurance plan? While you assume that it would be anybody that gets in your car and drives it, you really need to read your policy closely to see. Is your daughter covered? Your girlfriend? Your next door neighbor? Your son who is away at college? Your sister who lives with you? Your live-in boyfriend?
The simple question is can other people drive your car and are you still covered if something happens? The simple answer is yes, with some exceptions. Since your auto insurance basically covers your car rather than the driver, pretty much anyone who drives your car with your permission will be covered.
To be sure, look at the policy declarations page of your policy, the “Named Insured” listed will tell you definitely who is covered. Beyond those listed, coverage is usually extended to the following:
Family members related by blood, marriage or adoption, who reside in your household.
Your child who is away at college, but still uses your home address as primary residence and is home during school breaks and vacations.
Anyone that you give permission to drive your vehicle that does not live with you.
There are some exclusions, so review your insurance policy to be clear. All members of your household who have the potential to drive your car should be listed on your insurance policy if they have a driver’s license. This is where it gets a little tricky. If your girlfriend lives with you, she may not be covered in an accident if you did not list her on your insurance policy. But, if she doesn’t live with you then you are more than likely covered.
It is very important to check your policy terms in order to fully understand the restrictions and limitations of the policy. If you have questions about coverage on your insurance policy, call Insurance Doctor.