Many insurance companies issue automobile insurance, but finding the BEST policy for you can be challenging and time consuming. This is why people come to The Insurance Doctor – because we do the shopping for you through 40 different companies.
Remember that your profile will be a good fit for one of our companies. Our shopping helps you find the policy that’s right for you.
We compare premiums offered by 40 different companies and look for high customer service standards. The ability to pay a claim promptly will be important if you’re ever involved in an accident. And of course, we offer 24 hour claims service.
Finally, we understand insurance discounts and how you may be able to take advantage of them. You may benefit from multi-car and/or multi-driver discounts. You may receive a multiple policy discount if you purchase your auto insurance coverage through the same insurer that covers your motorcycle or boat insurance. An insurer may also offer you a discount if you have a safe driving record or have completed a driver’s education course.
Give us the chance to compare 40 companies and rates to ensure that you make the decision that’s right for you.