Thirteenth: Not to sound like a broken record but check your tire pressure and fluid levels again. Top off any fluids that need to be replenished frequently like windshield washing fluid.
Fourteenth: Check your list from last week for anything that requires special attention. It’s embarrassing to see blue lights in your rearview because you forgot to stop to have your gas grill tank inspected.
Fifteenth: This is just personal preference, but I like to pre-load as much as possible the day before a long trip and use a checklist like this:
• Do I have everything I need?
• Did I pack too much?
• Do I have room for the stuff I know I am going to purchase on the trip?
• Is everything laded in a manner that allows me to get to the things I need when I will need them? For instance, if I am stopping overnight on a long trip, is my overnight bag on top of all the big stuff so I can just grab it and check in?
• Do I either have the EZ Pass or plenty of toll money handy for the trip?
• Do I have a small toiletries kit handy in case the rest area I stop at is missing something critical? hand sanitizer and a bit of TP is especially helpful when travelling with small children.
• Is there plenty of bottled water, snacks, etc. for prolonged stretches of road with no service areas?
I know this sounds like a lot but these simple tips really can make all the difference between having a vacation to remember and having one you will never forget – no matter how hard you try.