Road trips on a motorcycle can be a blast, whether it’s across town or cross country. But these trips are even more fun when you arrive unharmed and feeling good so let’s look at a few tips to make this the case every time.
When going on a trip of any distance, take frequent breaks. Park your bike in a safe place and take short walks to get the blood flowing. This will help reduce cramping too.
If you don’t already have one, consider adding a windshield and fairing for the trip. Most people don’t realize it but not having that constant wind pulling your body back from the handlebars can help you retain a lot more stamina on long rides. And, of course, it’s great not to get smacked with rocks and road debris at 65 mph.
Make sure your helmet is still good. Believe it or not, even in DOT approved helmets the foam dries out, compresses and otherwise goes bad making that particular helmet little more than a shiny hat. Most are rated for several years when stored properly in climate controlled environments but don’t take anything from granted. You know how ratty a foam cooler gets if you stick it in your garage on a shelf for years at a time. Do you really want to risk that for the thing protecting your life?
Consider the benefits of a full face helmet before starting out. I’ve met plenty of bikers missing teeth in my travels who wish they had worn one when the rock or hunk of steel belted truck tire. And they have come a long way in comfort and peripheral visibility.