There seems to be a great deal of confusion about what automobile insurance actually covers and what it does not cover. Insurance Doctor wants to unlock some of the mysteries of car insurance.
One popular question often heard is “Does car insurance cover theft of my personal belongings from my car?” The answer is no. If you leave your laptop, wallet or GPS sitting in your car and it is stolen, your car insurance will not replace those items for you.
Car insurance is intended to offer financial protection in case of an accident, fire, car theft or most storm damage to your vehicle. It does not replace personal property in your car. An individual’s personal property is covered under your homeowner’s or even your renter’s insurance policy, not your car insurance policy.
Your homeowner’s insurance should cover your personal property at home, in a car, on vacation or anywhere in the world up to a certain dollar limit. Review your homeowner’s policy, because in most cases, the deductible is usually much higher than your car insurance deductible and would not meet the amount needed to file a claim for reimbursement.
It is a good plan to familiarize yourself with both your car insurance policy as well as your homeowner’s insurance policy. At Insurance Doctor, we offer coverage for all of your insurance needs: car, home, motorcycle and renters insurance. We can answer questions you have about your insurance coverage for both your car and your home.