Have you ever really looked at your car insurance? There are multiple components to your automobile insurance policy. It’s important to understand the current coverage that you have and what each section means in case you are involved in an accident.
Here are the basic types of coverage included in the average vehicle policy:
Property Damage Liability – This covers property damages to another person’s car that you or a family member have damaged.
Bodily Injury Liability – This provides coverage for bodily injury claims from the people you might injure in an accident
Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage – This coverage protects you when a negligent driver doesn’t have insurance or doesn’t have enough insurance to cover damages. This usually includes bodily injury losses, and sometimes property damage losses.
Physical Damage Coverage – This will cover damages to your car if you are involved in a collision or if your car is damaged in a storm.
These are very brief descriptions of coverage that might be included in your automobile policy. Call Insurance Doctor if you have questions about your current policy.