Have you ever wondered what formula goes into factoring the cost you pay for your automobile insurance? Your driving record is one of the biggest considerations, but there are other factors that go into calculating the premiums you pay for insurance coverage. Here is a list of some factors that can either increase or decrease the cost of automobile insurance coverage:
1. Type of vehicle you drive: make, model and year – Some vehicles are more expensive to repair and statistics show that accident rates differ for different types of cars.
2. Insurance coverage history – If you are a new driver or previously have not had insurance coverage, you can expect to pay higher rates.
3. Designated vehicle use – Claiming your car as a work vehicle can increase your premium.
4. Personal factors – Your age, sex and marital status can influence your insurance rates. Studies indicate that older drivers, female drivers and married drivers usually have better driving records which can give these categories of drivers lower premiums.
5. State of residence – High population states tend to have more accidents. Also, the type of insurance system in the state can affect your insurance premiums.
Contact Insurance Doctor if you have questions about your insurance coverage and to get a free insurance quote.