An auto insurance policy is a package of different kinds of coverage. You generally have some flexibility in terms of both the types and amounts of coverage you select. However, practically every state has enacted insurance laws that require drivers to carry at least liability auto insurance. Many states even require that you present proof of insurance before you register a car. So the short answer to the question is that you will need to insure your car, regardless of its value.
Drivers must carry liability insurance. The liability coverage section of an auto insurance policy provides financial protection from liability claims against you when you (or certain other people) cause an accident that results in bodily injuries to other people and/or damage to their property. Every state has mandatory minimum limits of liability coverage.
Comprehensive and collision insurance is optional in virtually every state. The collision and comprehensive section of your policy covers physical damage to your own vehicle resulting from collisions and a variety of other causes (e.g., fire, falling objects). It may also cover losses associated with theft. However, your car’s value plays a big part in assessing your need for this type of coverage. It may not be cost-effective if your vehicle is worth less than $1,000 because you’ll have to satisfy a deductible, and the most you’ll receive (even if your car is totaled) will be its actual value (i.e., after depreciation). That’s not much, especially taking into account the premiums you would have been paying for coverage. If your care is over 15 years old (and is not a collectible), you may only get liability insurance on it.